Brand Identity
Sabaibais is a harem pants brand designed for comfort. Highly versatile, the pants promote tranquility in any lifestyle setting. The wordmark name is generated from the merging of "Sabai sabai" which is Thai for "all is good."

I strategically illustrated each edge and curve of the packaging to cohesively wrap around the form of the tube. Next, I placed typographic elements to align with the smooth illustrative tones. In the end, I created a soft, natural, airy image to reflect the comfortable qualities of Sabaibais. The universality of iconography proved to be a key component in order to capture a stronger, yet simpler packaging for the user.

The circular elements reflect Sabaibais' brand beliefs regarding global exploration––hence the cylindrical tube, circular icons, and rounded illustration contours.

Sabaibais believes in a sustainable, biodegradable future. Adventure is only possible if the world is around for it too, so Sabaibais thinks green.

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